Bef on the road

Saturday, September 30, 2006

London Bierfest!!

After being at my job for over a month, I was starting to be more social in the office and my co-workers involving me in the usual office banter. I had heard rumours of London Bierfest ( but figured because I was temping and no-one had actualy said anything to me about it, I wasn't involved.

But the Thursday came along and about 3pm they said there were spare tickets and asked if I wanted to go.... as if I wouldn't!! So we all left work and went to a this pub they had done up to look like I imagine it would in Germany, a massive hall filled with big picnic tables and the german girls walking around with steins giving them out to the thirsty workers. I knew enough people to start a few conversations with and after an hour or so, they were all asking about me, some didnt realise I was from NZ, so there was a lot to talk about (Lord of the Rings, the All Blacks etc). And then the dancing started! We got kicked out of there about 10pm I think and all moved onto this other bar around the corner where there was more dancing. The tube (the train) has its last run about midnite so I made sure I left about 11.30pm and got the last tube home. I was rather jolly when I got home but was glad to see my flatmates still up so we could discuss our nites out.

So it was nice to finally have been out with the workmates and they realised I was just like them. Work the next was a bit hard but we were all hungover together so somehow made it through the day. Was glad I went home when I did because some of my workmates got home at 4am! I couldn't have done that and turned up to work!


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