Bef on the road

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Home for a visit!

There's no place like home, oh how true that is!

The visa I went to the UK on was due to run out at the end of May 07 and I had been lucky enough for my work to sponsor me with a work permit. Now to get this work permit it meant I had to go back to NZ to get this from Wellington, what a shame!

So after arriving back from a week in Turkey at 10pm the Sunday nite, I flew home at midday on the Monday to arrive home at 10pm on Tuesday. I had tried to surprise my parents but asking my sister Kathryn to pick me up from the airport and I'd surprise them when I got home. But they were asking Kathryn all weekend when I'd be home so she gave in and they were at the airport as well. The surprise was on me!

I spent most of my time catching up with friends as well as doing a bit of shopping. I had been lucky enough to lease out my bedroom in London so had a bit of extra cash which was nice.

Two of my friends, Catherine and Amanda, were going away not long after I arrive to Europe but I managed to have a dinner with my school friends at Catherine's place before they left. Most of the girls didn't know I was home yet so the look on their faces was priceless when I opened the door to greet them!

I also surprised my friend Hannah at work, she came leaping out of the office when she saw me. I turned up on the doorsteps of Jorrizze and Lance's place, as well as Jerrold's. And I opened the door of Jerrold's place when Kim arrived. All their looks of surprise were priceless, definately glad I had decided not to tell them I was coming home!

May the 13th was also Mother's Day so it was lovely to be with Mum for the day. We had a family picnic in Cascade Park in the Waitakere Ranges, it had been a long time since the 5 of us had been on a picnic together! Went for a lovely bush walk as well, was great to see NZ forests again after so long, definately something I miss.

I also managed a few nits out in town, Danny Doulans one nite and Boogie Wonderland another nite. Great times!

I saw my boss from the National Bank and a few work colleagues, as well as my old workmates from Tech Pacific. Great to see so many familiar faces!

I had sent my passport to Wellington for the new visa and was awaiting its return. As soon as I got it, I flew to Sydney that afternoon to see my grandparents who were in Sydney the whole time I was in Auckland. It was a very quick trip but great to see them, as well as my aunts, uncles and cousins. It had been just over a year since I was last there when I visited them all on my way to London.

After arriving back in Auckland at midday on Thursday, I went home to pack for my flight back to London at 11.55pm. A few friends came over that evening for a little bit of a farewell which was lovely. And after about 26 hours of travelling, I was back in London!

It's been a bonus to go home when I did as I have no idea when I'll be going back again. There's still a lot of travelling I want to do before I eventually leave the UK for good, which could be in any number of years.

So here's to London and the summer ahead, as well as many more countries to visit!


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