Bef on the road

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Got a job and a flat!

Ok so I've taken awhile to put this post up but its finally here. Will put a few in a row to catch up on the last month or so!
As much as I loved playing tourist, I knew at some point I would need to get a job. And after spending many hours at internet cafes I managed to get a long term receptionist job, phew! Other friends of mine have taken a bit longer to find jobs so I was preparing myself for a long wait until i found something, but it was my lucky day!
Most jobs are advertised on the internet so its a matter of finding something you want, emailing your cv to the agengy, waiting for them to contact you (either saying no, you're not the right person, or yes, come in for an interview), arranging a time to meet the agency, going for an interview at the place that has a position available then waiting for them to decide if you have the job. Well, normally thats the process. I somehow missed most of that and went from having an interview at an agency at 10.30am, then they called me 15mins later saying there was a position available, did I want them to pass on my cv and by the end of the day I had the job.... without even meeting the company that hired me! And I started the next day!
I work for a construction and engineering company called Fluor ( as a receptionist/secretary. So I pretty much answer the phone, photocopy, make coffee and read the paper. Very similar to a part-time job I had while doing my degree.... its a piece of cake! Big bonus is I can surf the net all day, although I cant check my gmail which sux, but I can keep uptodate with all the news back home! And I get paid reasonably as well and its weekly, I'm hanging out for my first pay day! Another bonus is its either 2 tube stops away, a bus ride away, or a 25min walk..... and with London being so flat, the walk is gona be easy!
This picture is the view from my office, in the distance is the London Eye, I need to take another photo on a clearer day!
I think I'll stick at this job for a few months then look into banking jobs because I really want to get more banking experience, I just need some funds for now :)
AND we moved into our flat the other weekend... I finally have my own room again! I've moved in with 2 kiwi mates from back home Kim (who I was living with for the first month) and Brad. The funny thing was, we moved from house number 12a to 2a on the same street, so moving was rather easy. We had our flatwarming the following Friday, what a nite! More in the next post.
Had a friends 21st a few Sat nites ago, drinks at her flat first then into Leicestor Square to some club that plays Top 40 music, we'd all had quite a few drinks so didnt mind the music much! And apparently I was carving up the dance floor, yet again :) Wasn't good that I fell asleep on the bus going home! But I knew my stop was the last one, so wasn't too worried.
I'm loving taking the tube everywhere, its just so handy. I still think Auckland could do with an underground of some sort! My friends are spread out over London and so I'm trying to see as much of London as possible.
Hope the change of website hasn't been too confusing! Will try keep them more updated.
Loving the emails from back home so anytime you want to send one, would love to read it!

Here's photos from around London:

More photos of my work:


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